Ensenar y aprender al mismo tiempo? Estas loca!!

Un perrito bien cansado…asi como yo

La semana pasada fue midterms por mi trabajo. Por eso, pase muchas horas durante del fin de semana corregiendo papeles, examenes, proyectos, videos, blogs, etc. Fue bien dificil, y hoy trate de hacer mi tarea de espanol. Es dificil dar cien porcentage cuando ya he dado 110 porcentage a mi trabajo! No se como es posible por mis estudiantes quienes trabajan y estudian al mismo tiempo. Es increible!
Pues, ahora tengo que ir, necesito programar mis clases manana, tengo muchisimo sueno tambien. Por eso, me voy. Perdon, escribire mas adelante… Adios…

Spanish Refresher Course – Dia 1 – Este es dificil!

Hola!  Bueno, ahora solamente he completado dia 1 de la “Spanish Refresher course” y ya es un poco dificil!  Cuando estaba hiciendo mi tarea, use una diccionario espanol-ingles.  Trate a usar una diccionario espanol-espanol, pero muchas de las palabras me olvidaron. Ay!

Tambien tuvimos grabar un video por la instructora lo cual incluyo algunos de  los pronombres relativos (que, quien, lo que, las cuales, etc). Asi, como mis estudiantes, escribi mi respuesta en Espanol antes, y despues la lei por el video!! Fue bien mas dificil que recorde.  Al mismo tiempo, la clase me introducio al cantante Manu Chao, quien canta la cancion Clandestino. Esta cancion me gusta y tratare encontrar mas de la musica de Manu Chao en el futuro.

Bueno. Ahorita tengo que ir porque tengo que ensenar clases manana.  Creyo que esta experiencia me causa estaba de acuerdo con mis estudiantes de veras. Aunque es dificil, tambien es divertido. Me gusta aprender Espanol otra vez. Hasta luego!
Aqui es la “link” al video Clandestino.


Learn By Step – Online Spanish Refresher Course

Image In the interest of reminding myself of what learning a language is really like as well as out of curiosity regarding how other teachers teach languages, especially online, I decided to enroll in CU Boulder’s ALTEC Spanish Refresher Course.  Since I am asking my students to blog for one of my classes, I thought perhaps I should try blogging more regularly throughout this experience as well. So, for the next three weeks, I will try  to post at least 1x per week about the learning experience.  Sometimes I will add helpful links and perhaps not much else. Other times (often I hope) I will try to blog in Spanish. So for those of you who may read Spanish, please pardon the mistakes, or even better – correct them in comments so I can learn!  Thanks!

First Link to post:

http://www.elmundo.es/diccionarios/  Spanish-Spanish dictionary

I make my students use English-English so I think it’s only fair that I try Spanish-Spanish. 🙂  Hasta Luego!

Digital Learning? Digital Promise? Digital ELC?

Informal Learning by Shareski – Creative Commons

I was recently doing some catching up on reading about Education in the News, sparked by the BBC story about Global Education’s WISE laurete  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15546976 , and then added to based on  TESOL bulletin info and so on. While reading, I came across a series of articles about digital learning and digital education.  As this has been a rather difficult quarter with many “battles” often focusing on disrespectful use of mobile devices and computers in the classroom, it’s a topic that has been on my mind for awhile lately.

In my Master’s program from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, I spent a lot of time working with and learning about Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and educational technology and ways to use technology effectively in the classroom.  I am still very interested in the digital world and how to make use of it. I would not consider myself and early adapter (most technology is too expensive for me to jump right on) but I like to have some idea  about what is out there and what is available. I also believe that many of the digital tools such as mobile devices and online dictionaries can be very helpful for students.  However, the program that I teach with now has a somewhat convoluted relationship with technology in the classroom. In previous quarters we did not have much access to technology, now we have more. Additionally, many of my colleagues have been burned by students cheating while using technology. Because of this, it’s a continually changing relationship. Continue reading